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Interact with InferenceService Swagger UI

InferenceService Swagger UI

KServe ModelServer is built on top of FastAPI, which brings out-of-box support for OpenAPI specification and Swagger UI.

Swagger UI allows visualizing and interacting with the KServe InferenceService API directly in the browser, making it easy for exploring the endpoints and validating the outputs without using any command-line tool.

KServe ModelServer Swagger UI

Enable Swagger UI


Be careful when enabling this for your production InferenceService deployments since the endpoint does not require authentication at this time.

Currently, POST request only work for v2 endpoints in the UI.

To enable, simply add an extra argument to the InferenceService YAML example from First Inference chapter:

kubectl apply -n kserve-test -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: ""
kind: "InferenceService"
  name: "sklearn-iris"
      args: ["--enable_docs_url=True"]
        name: sklearn
      runtime: kserve-sklearnserver
      storageUri: "gs://kfserving-examples/models/sklearn/1.0/model"

After the InferenceService becomes ready the Swagger UI will be served at /docs. In our example above, the Swagger UI will be available at


The Swagger UI may not be exposed or exposed with a different endpoint on other serving runtimes. For example, the MLServer runtime exposes the Swagger UI at /v2/docs endpoint. This example is only applicable to the KServe provided runtimes and runtimes that extend the KServe runtime SDK.

Interact with InferenceService

Click one of the V2 endpoints like /v2, it will expand and display the description and response from this API endpoint:

V2 Metadata

Now, when you click "Try it out" and then "Execute", Swagger UI will send a GET request to the /v2 endpoint. The server response body and headers will be displayed at the bottom:

V2 Metadata

Similarly, we can use Swagger UI to send request to check the model metadata and make prediction using the /v2/models/{model_name}/infer endpoint.

For more reference, please check out Model Serving Data Plane for detailed documentation on the Inference Protocol.

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