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KServeClient(config_file=None, context=None, client_configuration=None, persist_config=True)

User can loads authentication and cluster information from kube-config file and stores them in kubernetes.client.configuration. Parameters are as following:

parameter Description
config_file Name of the kube-config file. Defaults to ~/.kube/config. Note that for the case that the SDK is running in cluster and you want to operate KServe in another remote cluster, user must set config_file to load kube-config file explicitly, e.g. KServeClient(config_file="~/.kube/config").
context Set the active context. If is set to None, current_context from config file will be used.
client_configuration The kubernetes.client.Configuration to set configs to.
persist_config If True, config file will be updated when changed (e.g GCP token refresh).

The APIs for KServeClient are as following:

Class Method Description
KServeClient set_credentials Set Credentials
KServeClient create Create InferenceService
KServeClient get Get or watch the specified InferenceService or all InferenceServices in the namespace
KServeClient patch Patch the specified InferenceService
KServeClient replace Replace the specified InferenceService
KServeClient delete Delete the specified InferenceService
KServeClient wait_isvc_ready Wait for the InferenceService to be ready
KServeClient is_isvc_ready Check if the InferenceService is ready


set_credentials(storage_type, namespace=None, credentials_file=None, service_account='kfserving-service-credentials', **kwargs):

Create or update a Secret and Service Account for GCS and S3 for the provided credentials. Once the Service Account is applied, it may be used in the Service Account field of a InferenceService's V1beta1ModelSpec.


Example for creating GCP credentials.

from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()

The API supports specifying a Service Account by service_account, or using default Service Account kfserving-service-credentials, if the Service Account does not exist, the API will create it and attach the created secret with the Service Account, if exists, only patch it to attach the created Secret.

Example for creating S3 credentials.

from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()

Example for creating Azure credentials.

from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()

The created or patched Secret and Service Account will be shown as following:

INFO:kfserving.api.set_credentials:Created Secret: kfserving-secret-6tv6l in namespace kubeflow
INFO:kfserving.api.set_credentials:Created (or Patched) Service account: kfserving-service-credentials in namespace kubeflow


Name Type Storage Type Description
storage_type str All Required. Valid values: GCS, S3 or Azure
namespace str All Optional. The kubernetes namespace. Defaults to current or default namespace.
credentials_file str All Optional. The path for the credentials file. The default file for GCS is ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json, see the instructions on creating the GCS credentials file. For S3 is ~/.aws/credentials, see the instructions on creating the S3 credentials file. For Azure is ~/.azure/azure_credentials.json, see the instructions on creating the Azure credentials file.
service_account str All Optional. The name of service account. Supports specifying the service_account, or using default Service Account kfserving-service-credentials. If the Service Account does not exist, the API will create it and attach the created Secret with the Service Account, if exists, only patch it to attach the created Secret.
s3_endpoint str S3 only Optional. The S3 endpoint.
s3_region str S3 only Optional. The S3 region By default, regional endpoint is used for S3.
s3_use_https str S3 only Optional. HTTPS is used to access S3 by default, unless s3_use_https=0
s3_verify_ssl str S3 only Optional. If HTTPS is used, SSL verification could be disabled with s3_verify_ssl=0


create(inferenceservice, namespace=None, watch=False, timeout_seconds=600)

Create the provided InferenceService in the specified namespace


from kubernetes import client

from kserve import KServeClient
from kserve import constants
from kserve import V1beta1PredictorSpec
from kserve import V1beta1TFServingSpec
from kserve import V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec
from kserve import V1beta1InferenceService

default_model_spec = V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec(predictor=V1beta1PredictorSpec(tensorflow=V1beta1TFServingSpec(

isvc = V1beta1InferenceService(api_version=constants.KSERVE_V1BETA1,
                          metadata=client.V1ObjectMeta(name='flower-sample', namespace='kserve-models'),

kserve = KServeClient()

# The API also supports watching the created InferenceService status till it's READY.
# kserve.create(isvc, watch=True)


Name Type Description Notes
inferenceservice V1beta1InferenceService InferenceService defination Required
namespace str Namespace for InferenceService deploying to. If the namespace is not defined, will align with InferenceService definition, or use current or default namespace if namespace is not specified in InferenceService definition. Optional
watch bool Watch the created InferenceService if True, otherwise will return the created InferenceService object. Stop watching if InferenceService reaches the optional specified timeout_seconds or once the InferenceService overall status READY is True. Optional
timeout_seconds int Timeout seconds for watching. Defaults to 600. Optional

Return type



get(name=None, namespace=None, watch=False, timeout_seconds=600)

Get the created InferenceService in the specified namespace


from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()
kserve.get('flower-sample', namespace='kubeflow')
The API also support watching the specified InferenceService or all InferenceService in the namespace.
from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()
kserve.get('flower-sample', namespace='kubeflow', watch=True, timeout_seconds=120)
The outputs will be as following. Stop watching if InferenceService reaches the optional specified timeout_seconds or once the InferenceService overall status READY is True.
NAME                 READY      DEFAULT_TRAFFIC CANARY_TRAFFIC  URL                                               
flower-sample        Unknown                                   
flower-sample        Unknown    90               10            
flower-sample        True       90               10            


Name Type Description Notes
name str InferenceService name. If the name is not specified, it will get or watch all InferenceServices in the namespace. Optional.
namespace str The InferenceService's namespace. Defaults to current or default namespace. Optional
watch bool Watch the specified InferenceService or all InferenceService in the namespace if True, otherwise will return object for the specified InferenceService or all InferenceService in the namespace. Stop watching if InferenceService reaches the optional specified timeout_seconds or once the speficed InferenceService overall status READY is True (Only if the name is speficed). Optional
timeout_seconds int Timeout seconds for watching. Defaults to 600. Optional

Return type



patch(name, inferenceservice, namespace=None, watch=False, timeout_seconds=600)

Patch the created InferenceService in the specified namespace.

Note that if you want to set the field from existing value to None, patch API may not work, you need to use replace API to remove the field value.


from kubernetes import client
from kserve import constants
from kserve import V1beta1PredictorSpec
from kserve import V1beta1TFServingSpec
from kserve import V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec
from kserve import V1beta1InferenceService
from kserve import KServeClient

service_name = 'flower-sample'
kserve = KServeClient()

default_model_spec = V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec(predictor=V1beta1PredictorSpec(tensorflow=V1beta1TFServingSpec(

isvc = V1beta1InferenceService(api_version=constants.KSERVE_V1BETA1,
                                        name=service_name, namespace='kserve-models'),

kserve.wait_isvc_ready(service_name, namespace='kserve-models')

canary_model_spec = V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec(predictor=V1beta1PredictorSpec(canary_traffic_percent=10,

isvc = V1beta1InferenceService(api_version= constants.KSERVE_V1BETA1,
                          metadata=client.V1ObjectMeta(name='flower-sample', namespace='kserve-models'),

kserve.patch(service_name, isvc)

# The API also supports watching the patached InferenceService status till it's READY.
# kserve.patch('flower-sample', isvc, watch=True)


Name Type Description Notes
inferenceservice V1beta1InferenceService InferenceService defination Required
namespace str The InferenceService's namespace for patching. If the namespace is not defined, will align with InferenceService definition, or use current or default namespace if namespace is not specified in InferenceService definition. Optional
watch bool Watch the patched InferenceService if True, otherwise will return the patched InferenceService object. Stop watching if InferenceService reaches the optional specified timeout_seconds or once the InferenceService overall status READY is True. Optional
timeout_seconds int Timeout seconds for watching. Defaults to 600. Optional

Return type



replace(name, inferenceservice, namespace=None, watch=False, timeout_seconds=600)

Replace the created InferenceService in the specified namespace. Generally use the replace API to update whole InferenceService or remove a field such as canary or other components of the InferenceService.


from kubernetes import client
from kserve import constants
from kserve import V1beta1PredictorSpec
from kserve import V1beta1TFServingSpec
from kserve import V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec
from kserve import V1beta1InferenceService
from kserve import KServeClient

service_name = 'flower-sample'
kserve = KServeClient()

default_model_spec = V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec(predictor=V1beta1PredictorSpec(tensorflow=V1beta1TFServingSpec(

isvc = V1beta1InferenceService(api_version=constants.KSERVE_V1BETA1,
                                        name=service_name, namespace='kserve-models'),

kserve.wait_isvc_ready(service_name, namespace='kserve-models')

canary_model_spec = V1beta1InferenceServiceSpec(predictor=V1beta1PredictorSpec(canary_traffic_percent=0,

isvc = V1beta1InferenceService(api_version= constants.KSERVE_V1BETA1,
                          metadata=client.V1ObjectMeta(name=service_name, namespace='kserve-models'),

kserve.replace(service_name, isvc)

# The API also supports watching the replaced InferenceService status till it's READY.
# kserve.replace('flower-sample', isvc, watch=True)


Name Type Description Notes
inferenceservice V1beta1InferenceService InferenceService defination Required
namespace str The InferenceService's namespace. If the namespace is not defined, will align with InferenceService definition, or use current or default namespace if namespace is not specified in InferenceService definition. Optional
watch bool Watch the patched InferenceService if True, otherwise will return the replaced InferenceService object. Stop watching if InferenceService reaches the optional specified timeout_seconds or once the InferenceService overall status READY is True. Optional
timeout_seconds int Timeout seconds for watching. Defaults to 600. Optional

Return type



delete(name, namespace=None)

Delete the created InferenceService in the specified namespace


from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()
kserve.delete('flower-sample', namespace='kubeflow')


Name Type Description Notes
name str InferenceService name
namespace str The inferenceservice's namespace. Defaults to current or default namespace. Optional

Return type



wait_isvc_ready(name, namespace=None, watch=False, timeout_seconds=600, polling_interval=10):

Wait for the InferenceService to be ready.


from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()
kserve.wait_isvc_ready('flower-sample', namespace='kubeflow')


Name Type Description Notes
name str The InferenceService name.
namespace str The InferenceService namespace. Defaults to current or default namespace. Optional
watch bool Watch the specified InferenceService if True. Optional
timeout_seconds int How long to wait for the InferenceService, default wait for 600 seconds. Optional
polling_interval int How often to poll for the status of the InferenceService. Optional

Return type



is_isvc_ready(name, namespace=None)

Returns True if the InferenceService is ready; false otherwise.


from kserve import KServeClient

kserve = KServeClient()
kserve.is_isvc_ready('flower-sample', namespace='kubeflow')


Name Type Description Notes
name str The InferenceService name.
namespace str The InferenceService namespace. Defaults to current or default namespace. Optional

Return type


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