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InferenceServiceStatus defines the observed state of InferenceService


Name Type Description Notes
address KnativeAddressable [optional]
annotations dict(str, str) Annotations is additional Status fields for the Resource to save some additional State as well as convey more information to the user. This is roughly akin to Annotations on any k8s resource, just the reconciler conveying richer information outwards. [optional]
components dict(str, V1beta1ComponentStatusSpec) Statuses for the components of the InferenceService [optional]
conditions list[KnativeCondition] Conditions the latest available observations of a resource's current state. [optional]
model_status V1beta1ModelStatus [optional]
observed_generation int ObservedGeneration is the 'Generation' of the Service that was last processed by the controller. [optional]
url KnativeURL [optional]

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