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Serving Runtimes

KServe makes use of two CRDs for defining model serving environments:

ServingRuntimes and ClusterServingRuntimes

The only difference between the two is that one is namespace-scoped and the other is cluster-scoped.

A ServingRuntime defines the templates for Pods that can serve one or more particular model formats. Each ServingRuntime defines key information such as the container image of the runtime and a list of the model formats that the runtime supports. Other configuration settings for the runtime can be conveyed through environment variables in the container specification.

These CRDs allow for improved flexibility and extensibility, enabling users to quickly define or customize reusable runtimes without having to modify any controller code or any resources in the controller namespace.

The following is an example of a ServingRuntime:

kind: ServingRuntime
  name: example-runtime
    - name: example-format
      version: "1"
      autoSelect: true
    - name: kserve-container
      image: examplemodelserver:latest
        - --model_dir=/mnt/models
        - --http_port=8080

Several out-of-the-box ClusterServingRuntimes are provided with KServe so that users can quickly deploy common model formats without having to define the runtimes themselves.

Name Supported Model Formats
kserve-lgbserver LightGBM
kserve-mlserver SKLearn, XGBoost, LightGBM, MLflow
kserve-paddleserver Paddle
kserve-pmmlserver PMML
kserve-sklearnserver SKLearn
kserve-tensorflow-serving TensorFlow
kserve-torchserve PyTorch
kserve-tritonserver TensorFlow, ONNX, PyTorch, TensorRT
kserve-xgbserver XGBoost

In addition to these included runtimes, you can extend your KServe installation by adding custom runtimes. This is demonstrated in the example for the AMD Inference Server.

Spec Attributes

Available attributes in the ServingRuntime spec:

Attribute Description
multiModel Whether this ServingRuntime is ModelMesh-compatible and intended for multi-model usage (as opposed to KServe single-model serving). Defaults to false
disabled Disables this runtime
containers List of containers associated with the runtime
containers[ ].image The container image for the current container
containers[ ].command Executable command found in the provided image
containers[ ].args List of command line arguments as strings
containers[ ].resources Kubernetes limits or requests
containers[ ].env List of environment variables to pass to the container
containers[ ].imagePullPolicy The container image pull policy
containers[ ].workingDir The working directory for current container
containers[ ].livenessProbe Probe for checking container liveness
containers[ ].readinessProbe Probe for checking container readiness
supportedModelFormats List of model types supported by the current runtime
supportedModelFormats[ ].name Name of the model format
supportedModelFormats[ ].version Version of the model format. Used in validating that a predictor is supported by a runtime. It is recommended to include only the major version here, for example "1" rather than "1.15.4"
supportedModelFormats[ ].autoselect Set to true to allow the ServingRuntime to be used for automatic model placement if this model format is specified with no explicit runtime. The default value is false.
supportedModelFormats[ ].priority Priority of this serving runtime for auto selection. This is used to select the serving runtime if more than one serving runtime supports the same model format.
The value should be greater than zero. The higher the value, the higher the priority. Priority is not considered if AutoSelect is either false or not specified. Priority can be overridden by specifying the runtime in the InferenceService.
storageHelper.disabled Disables the storage helper
nodeSelector Influence Kubernetes scheduling to assign pods to nodes
affinity Influence Kubernetes scheduling to assign pods to nodes
tolerations Allow pods to be scheduled onto nodes with matching taints

ModelMesh leverages additional fields not listed here. More information here.

Note: ServingRuntimes support the use of template variables of the form {{.Variable}} inside the container spec. These should map to fields inside an InferenceService's metadata object. The primary use of this is for passing in InferenceService-specific information, such as a name, to the runtime environment. Several of the out-of-box ClusterServingRuntimes make use of this by having --model_name={{.Name}} inside the runtime container args to ensure that when a user deploys an InferenceService, the name is passed to the server.

Using ServingRuntimes

ServingRuntimes can be be used both explicitly and implicitly.

Explicit: Specify a runtime

When users define predictors in their InferenceServices, they can explicitly specify the name of a ClusterServingRuntime or ServingRuntime. For example:

kind: InferenceService
  name: example-sklearn-isvc
        name: sklearn
      storageUri: s3://bucket/sklearn/mnist.joblib
      runtime: kserve-mlserver

Here, the runtime specified is kserve-mlserver, so the KServe controller will first search the namespace for a ServingRuntime with that name. If none exist, the controller will then search the list of ClusterServingRuntimes. If one is found, the controller will first verify that the modelFormat provided in the predictor is in the list of supportedModelFormats. If it is, then the container and pod information provided by the runtime will be used for model deployment.


The model serving runtime version can be overwritten with the runtimeVersion field on InferenceService yaml and we highly recommend setting this field for production services.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "InferenceService"
  name: "torchscript-cifar"
      storageUri: "gs://kfserving-examples/models/torchscript"
      runtimeVersion: 21.08-py3

Implicit: Automatic selection

In each entry of the supportedModelFormats list, autoSelect: true can optionally be specified to indicate that the given ServingRuntime can be considered for automatic selection for predictors with the corresponding model format if no runtime is explicitly specified. For example, the kserve-sklearnserver ClusterServingRuntime supports SKLearn version 1 and has autoSelect enabled:

kind: ClusterServingRuntime
  name: kserve-sklearnserver
    - name: sklearn
      version: "1"
      autoSelect: true

When the following InferenceService is deployed with no runtime specified, the controller will look for a runtime that supports sklearn:

kind: InferenceService
  name: example-sklearn-isvc
        name: sklearn
      storageUri: s3://bucket/sklearn/mnist.joblib

Since kserve-sklearnserver has an entry in its supportedModelFormats list with sklearn and autoSelect: true, this ClusterServingRuntime will be used for model deployment.

If a version is also specified:

        name: sklearn
        version: "0"
Then, then the version of the supportedModelFormat must also match. In this example, kserve-sklearnserver would not be eligible for selection since it only lists support for sklearn version 1.


If more than one serving runtime supports the same model format with same version and also supports the same protocolVersion then, we can optionally specify priority for the serving runtime. Based on the priority the runtime is automatically selected if no runtime is explicitly specified. Note that, priority is valid only if autoSelect is true. Higher value means higher priority.

For example, let's consider the serving runtimes mlserver and kserve-sklearnserver. Both the serving runtimes supports the sklearn model format with version 1 and both supports the protocolVersion v2. Also note that autoSelect is enabled in both the serving runtimes.

kind: ClusterServingRuntime
  name: kserve-sklearnserver
    - v1
    - v2
    - name: sklearn
      version: "1"
      autoSelect: true
      priority: 1

kind: ClusterServingRuntime
  name: mlserver
    - v2
    - name: sklearn
      version: "1"
      autoSelect: true
      priority: 2
When the following InferenceService is deployed with no runtime specified, the controller will look for a runtime that supports sklearn:

kind: InferenceService
  name: example-sklearn-isvc
      protocolVersion: v2
        name: sklearn
      storageUri: s3://bucket/sklearn/mnist.joblib
The controller will find the two runtimes kserve-sklearnserver and mlserver as both has an entry in its supportedModelFormats list with sklearn and autoSelect: true. Now the runtime is sorted based on the priority by the controller as there are more than one supported runtime available. Since the mlserver has the higher priority value, this ClusterServingRuntime will be used for model deployment.

Constraints of priority

  • The higher priority value means higher precedence. The value must be greater than 0.
  • The priority is valid only if auto select is enabled otherwise the priority is not considered.
  • The serving runtime with priority takes precedence over the serving runtime with priority not specified.
  • Two model formats with same name and same model version cannot have the same priority.
  • If more than one serving runtime supports the model format and none of them specified the priority then, there is no guarantee which runtime will be selected.
  • If multiple versions of a modelFormat are supported by a serving runtime, then it should have the same priority. For example, Below shown serving runtime supports two versions of sklearn. It should have the same priority.
      kind: ClusterServingRuntime
        name: mlserver
            - v2
            - name: sklearn
              version: "0"
              autoSelect: true
              priority: 2
            - name: sklearn
              version: "1"
              autoSelect: true
              priority: 2


If multiple runtimes list the same format and/or version as auto-selectable and the priority is not specified, the runtime is selected based on the creationTimestamp i.e. the most recently created runtime is selected. So there is no guarantee which runtime will be selected. So users and cluster-administrators should enable autoSelect with care.

Previous schema

Currently, if a user uses the old schema for deploying predictors where you specify a framework/format as a key, then a KServe webhook will automatically map it to one of the out-of-the-box ClusterServingRuntimes. This is for backwards compatibility. For example:

kind: InferenceService
  name: example-sklearn-isvc
      storageUri: s3://bucket/sklearn/mnist.joblib
kind: InferenceService
  name: example-sklearn-isvc
        name: sklearn
      storageUri: s3://bucket/sklearn/mnist.joblib
      runtime: kserve-sklearnserver

The previous schema would mutate into the new schema where the kserve-sklearnserver ClusterServingRuntime is explicitly specified.


The old schema will eventually be removed in favor of the new Model spec, where a user can specify a model format and optionally a corresponding version. In previous versions of KServe, supported predictor formats and container images were defined in a ConfigMap in the control plane namespace. Existing InferenceServices upgraded from v0.7, v0.8, v0.9 need to be converted to the new model spec as the predictor configurations are phased out in v0.10.

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