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Inference REST Client

InferenceRESTClient(config: RESTConfig = None)

InferenceRESTClient is designed to interact with inference servers that follow the V1 and V2 protocols for model serving. It provides methods to perform inference, explanation, and health checks on the server and models. This feature is currently in alpha and may be subject to change.

parameter Description
config(RESTConfig) Configuration for the REST client, including server protocol, timeout settings, and authentication.

Initializes the InferenceRESTClient with the given configuration. If no configuration is provided, a default RESTConfig is used.


RESTConfig(transport=None, protocol=v1, retries=3, http2=False, timeout=60, cert=None, verify=True, auth=None, verbose=False)

Configuration class for REST client settings.

parameter Type Description
transport httpx.AsyncBaseTransport Custom transport for HTTP requests.
protocol Union[str, PredictorProtocol] Protocol version v1 or v2, default is "v1".
retries int Number of retries for HTTP requests, default is 3.
http2 bool Whether to use HTTP/2, default is False.
timeout (Union[float, None, tuple, httpx.Timeout]) Timeout setting for HTTP requests, default is 60 seconds.
cert SSL certificate to use for the requests.
verify (Union[str, bool, ssl.SSLContext]) SSL verification setting, default is True.
auth Authentication credentials for HTTP requests.
verbose bool Whether to enable verbose logging, default is False.

The APIs for InferenceRestClient are as following:

Class Method Description
InferenceRESTClient infer Runs asynchronous inference using the supplied data.
InferenceRESTClient explain Runs asynchronous explanation using the supplied data.
InferenceRESTClient is_server_ready Checks if the inference server is ready.
InferenceRESTClient is_server_live Checks if the inference server is live.
InferenceRESTClient is_model_ready Checks if the specified model is ready.


infer(base_url, data, model_name=None, headers=None, response_headers=None, is_graph_endpoint=False, timeout=USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT) async

Perform inference by sending a request to the specified model endpoint.


from kserve import RESTConfig, InferenceRESTClient

config = RESTConfig(protocol="v2", retries=5, timeout=30)
client = InferenceRESTClient(config)
base_url = ""
data = {"inputs": [{"name": "input_1", "shape": [1, 3], "datatype": "FP32", "data": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}]}
model_name = "example_model"
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"}
response_headers = {}
result = await client.infer(base_url, data, model_name, headers, response_headers)


Name Type Description Notes
base_url Union[httpx.URL, str] The base URL of the inference server Required
data Union[InferRequest, dict] Input data as InferRequest object Required
model_name str The name of the model to be used for inference Required
headers Mapping[str, str] HTTP headers to include when sending request
response_headers Dict[str, str] Dictionary to store response headers
is_graph_endpoint bool Flag indicating if the endpoint is a graph endpoint. Default value is False
timeout Union[float, None, tuple, httpx.Timeout] Timeout configuration for the request. Default value is 60 seconds


Return Type: Union[InferResponse, Dict]

The inference response, either as an InferResponse object or a dictionary


ValueError: If model_name is None and not using a graph endpoint.

UnsupportedProtocol: If the protocol specified in the configuration is not supported.

HTTPStatusError: If the response status code indicates an error.


explain(base_url, model_name, data, headers=None, timeout) async

Sends an asynchronous request to the model server to get an explanation for the given input data. Only supports V1 protocol.


from kserve import RESTConfig, InferenceRESTClient

config = RESTConfig(protocol="v2", retries=5, timeout=30)
client = InferenceRESTClient(config)
base_url = ""
model_name = "my_model"
data = {"instances": [[1.0, 2.0, 5.0]]}
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer my_token"}

result = await client.explain(base_url, model_name, data, headers=headers)


Name Type Description Notes
base_url Union[httpx.URL, str] The base URL of the model server
model_name str The name of the model for which to get an explanation
data dict The input data for the model
headers Mapping[str, str] headers to include in the request
timeout Union[float, None, tuple, httpx.Timeout] Timeout configuration for the request


Return Type: dict

The explanation response from the model server as a dict.


UnsupportedProtocol: If the protocol specified in the configuration is not supported.

HTTPStatusError: If the response status code indicates an error.


is_server_ready(base_url, headers=None, timeout=None) async

Check if the inference server is ready. Only supports V2 protocol.


from kserve import RESTConfig, InferenceRESTClient

config = RESTConfig(protocol="v2", retries=5, timeout=30)

client = InferenceClient(config)
is_ready = await client.is_server_ready("")
if is_ready:
    print("Server is ready")
    print("Server is not ready")


Name Type Description Notes
base_url Union[httpx.URL, str] The base URL of the model server
headers Mapping[str, str] headers to include in the request
timeout Union[float, None, tuple, httpx.Timeout] Timeout configuration for the request


Return Type: bool

True: if the Inference Server is ready False: if the Inference Server is not ready


UnsupportedProtocol: If the protocol specified in the configuration is not supported.

HTTPStatusError: If the response status code indicates an error.


is_server_live(base_url, headers=None, timeout=USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT) async

Return the liveness status of the inference server.


from kserve import RESTConfig, InferenceRESTClient

config = RESTConfig(protocol="v2", retries=5, timeout=30)

client = InferenceClient(config)
is_live = await client.is_server_live("")
if is_live:
    print("Server is live")
    print("Server is not live")


Name Type Description Notes
base_url Union[httpx.URL, str] The base URL of the model server
headers Mapping[str, str] headers to include in the request
timeout Union[float, None, tuple, httpx.Timeout] Timeout configuration for the request


Return Type: bool

True: if the Inference Server is live False: if the Inference Server is not live


UnsupportedProtocol: If the protocol specified in the configuration is not supported.

HTTPStatusError: If the response status code indicates an error.


is_model_ready(base_url, model_name, headers=None, timeout=USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT) async

Return the readiness status of the specified model.


from kserve import RESTConfig, InferenceRESTClient

config = RESTConfig(protocol="v2", retries=5, timeout=30)

client = InferenceClient(config)
base_url = ""
model_name = "my_model"
is_reay = await client.is_model_ready(base_url, model_name)
if is_ready:
    print("Model is ready")
    print("Model is not ready")


Name Type Description Notes
base_url Union[httpx.URL, str] The base URL of the model server
model_name str The name of the model to be used for inference
headers Mapping[str, str] headers to include in the request
timeout Union[float, None, tuple, httpx.Timeout] Timeout configuration for the request


Return Type: bool

True: if the Model is ready False: if the Model is not ready


UnsupportedProtocol: If the protocol specified in the configuration is not supported.

HTTPStatusError: If the response status code indicates an error.

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