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KServe(Formally KFServing) Presentations and Demoes

This page contains a list of presentations and demos. If you'd like to add a presentation or demo here, please send a pull request.

Presentation/Demo Presenters
From Bash Scripts to Kubeflow and GitOps: Our Journey to Operationalizing ML at Scale Luca Grazioli, Dennis Ohrndorf
Production-Ready AI Platform on Kubernetes Yuan Tang
Fortifying AI Security in Kubernetes with Confidential Containers Suraj Deshmukh, Pradipta Banerjee
Platform Building Blocks: How to Build ML Infrastructure with CNCF Projects Yuzhui Liu, Leon Zhou
Distributed Machine Learning Patterns from Manning Publications Yuan Tang
KubeCon 2019: Introducing KFServing: Serverless Model Serving on Kubernetes Dan Sun, Ellis Tarn
KubeCon 2019: Advanced Model Inferencing Leveraging KNative, Istio & Kubeflow Serving Animesh Singh, Clive Cox
KubeflowDojo: KFServing - Production Model Serving Platform Animesh Singh, Tommy Li
NVIDIA: Accelerate and Autoscale Deep Learning Inference on GPUs with KFServing Dan Sun, David Goodwin
KF Community: KFServing - Enabling Serverless Workloads Across Model Frameworks Ellis Tarn
KubeflowDojo: Demo - KFServing End to End through Notebook Animesh Singh, Tommy Li
KubeflowDojo: Demo - KFServing with Kafka and Kubeflow Pipelines Animesh Singh
Anchor MLOps Podcast: Serving Models with KFServing David Aponte, Demetrios Brinkmann
Kubeflow 101: What is KFServing? Stephanie Wong
ICML 2020, Workshop on Challenges in Deploying and Monitoring Machine Learning Systems : Serverless inferencing on Kubernetes Clive Cox
Serverless Practitioners Summit 2020: Serverless Machine Learning Inference with KFServing Clive Cox, Yuzhui Liu
MLOps Meetup: KServe Live Coding Session Theofilos Papapanagiotou
KubeCon AI Days 2021: Serving Machine Learning Models at Scale Using KServe Yuzhui Liu
KubeCon 2021: Serving Machine Learning Models at Scale Using KServe Animesh Singh
KubeCon China 2021: Accelerate Federated Learning Model Deployment with KServe Fangchi Wang & Jiahao Chen
KubeCon AI Days 2022: Exploring ML Model Serving with KServe Alexa Nicole Griffith
KubeCon AI Days 2022: Enhancing the Performance Testing Process for gRPC Model Inferencing at Scale Ted Chang, Paul Van Eck
KubeCon Edge Days 2022: Model Serving at the Edge Made Easier Paul Van Eck
KnativeCon 2022: How We Built an ML inference Platform with Knative Dan Sun
KubeCon EU 2023: The state and future of cloud native model serving Dan Sun, Theofilos Papapanagiotou
Kubeflow Summit 2023: Scale your Models to Zero with Knative and KServe Jooho Lee
Kubeflow Summit 2023: What to choose? ModelMesh vs Model Serving? Vaibhav Jain
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